And if you're just hear to simply enjoy this website, then Praise the Lord especially for you. And I pray that He pours out a blessing on you that you wont have room to contain it! Amen? God Bless you my new friend, and please do share our site with others. We sincerely are trying to help in any way God has impressed upon us to do. And if it were for only will have been worth all the work and time I put into this web site. And if you would please...don't forget to go by our Guestbook page and let me know you were here and possibly which Sermonette you liked or the one that blessed you and maybe even why. We'd love to post your testimony on our Testimony Page. Thank you so much again for taking the time to come by and see us. You are welcome to leave your Prayer Requests Help us pray that we reach millions of souls through this website. Amen?
If there is somone you have been praying for to be saved, you might want to check out the beautiful witnessing Jewelry Diane has in the site. It would make a great gift for a lost person you might know, one that is promised to explain God in some way to them. Every time they wear it, they will remember the meaning and hopefully share it with others.
Wear It! Share It! Is her motto!
Enjoy Sister or Brother. Write while we can...Until we get to go be with Jesus!
Written24 hours before friend's Mom passed away. They told me it was as though God had given me her testimony as she had been unable to speak for almost 8 years to her 10 children and husband.
This was wrote after friends Mom passed away three dsys later. She asked me to write something for her funeral, it was hard, but God gave this to me I do believe.
All Tags, Headers, Backgrounds and Graphics seen on the Gospel Pin(R) web site were created by Kairos Publishing. Our Webmaster, Connie Burrow used images, tubes and various portions of artwork received in online Christian PSP Graphics Group who share found or received images. The original artists are unknown in all of these special Tags, Backgrounds and Headers we created. Only partial images from various artwork were used to create our own graphics. These images are not used for any commercial resale. They are only borrowed to create a valuable Biblical statement, Titles, Tags and story illustrations to enhance this Web Site.
If you are or know the original artist of any of the images seen on our web site, please let us know ASAP. We will promptly remove any of our Graphics at the original Artists request. We would greatly appreciate receiving permission to use what we have created and will be more than willing to acknowledge the original Artist and give them proper Credit for creating such beautiful art.
Hello there...come on in! Thank you so much for stopping by. What you'll find here are what I have come to call, Sermonettes From The Heart Of God. Its a collection of poetic stories written down as I believe God helped me write them. I pray that you will find a Sermonette that is exactly what you needed to hear, if you are waiting on an answer from Him. I know many people have told me that they read one or two that was exactly what they needed to hear at the I pray you also are blessed.
I ask you too if you will, please go listen to the Songs of Sermonettes CD, the link is below. God helped me turn some of the Sermonettes into actual Gospel songs and now after twelve years...I wait on the Lord to send me whom ever He had me write these songs for. I was not musically inclined so I assume God used me to write a song or two down for someone, so now I wait on them. If you are that person...Praise the Lord! It's about time! Ha...